Castle Crashers
Projects | | Links: Demo (Latest) | Source Code

The goal of the game is to traverse to the next level. You can do this by finding the hole in the floor and walking into it. Between each of the levels you can upgrade your characters stats:
- Strength -> How hard the character hits with weapons.
- Agility -> How fast the character moves and how fast it can attack.
- Stamina -> How much health the character has.
This game was made as a group project for the major assessment within CMPT 306 (Game Mechanics) at the University of Saskatchewan. For this game we were tasked with goals that had to be met in the following categories:
- Rewards
- Access
- Facility
- Sustenance
- Glory
- Praise
- Procedural Content Generation
- Theoretically infinite gameplay
- AI
- Sounds & Animations (3rd party allowed)
- Difficulty Scaling
This was a group project between 7 developers, my role in the project was to maintain the git repo, manage the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment of the game, the enemy AIs, the menus (main, credits, and controls), and build the official releases for the demo site.
For this course we were not to embark on creating any storyline or if we did it was to be secondary to the gameplay, since the class was targetted specifically at game programming and not at creative writing or art.
The assignment was to take place in 5 different deliverables, each with its own requirements:
- Game Pitch - We had to provide our groups ideas for the game and what we wanted to do with it so that the course instructor could make sure that all groups would have a reasonable scope for the game to be able to complete it within 3 months.
- Planning (Build 0.1)
- Proof of Concept (Build 0.2)
- Alpha (Build 0.3)
- Beta (Build 0.4.1)
Each deliverable has a specific build version on the website. The most recent version is Build 0.4.1 for Milestone 5, there are some intermediary builds that can be viewed, and all of the in-dev milestones are still accessible so that the progress of the game’s development can be looked back at directly. You can find all available versions of the game on the website
Image Gallery
This is the game’s main menu.
This is generally what the player sees while playing the game. Since the levels are procedurally generated, every level is different, and it’s different each time you start a new game.
This is the screen that lets you level up your character’s abilities between each level in the game.